Dragon Gate Online Promo At Virgin Casino

Published: February 23, 2015

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A new table games online promotion at Virgin Casino poses an interesting question that new players may get likely to get wrong. The prize pool consists of £2,000 that will be shared equally by all the players who wager £50 on the specified table games during the promotion period. If more than 40 players meet the eligibility requirement then each player will win less than £50. £50 is not a big deal over four days. More than 40 players are likely to make a claim on the prize pool. This seems to imply that in this case the players will not even recover their investment. So is the promotion worth participating in?

The above line of reasoning is not correct. The £50 is not an entry fee. It comprises of wagers. Unless you bet rather foolishly you can expect a return from your wagers. Assuming an average return of 98% on table games, your expected loss on bets worth £50 should be only £1. Some players will lose more than this, whereas others will win from their wagers. On an average a player will lose £1. Therefore as long as less than 2,000 Virgin Casino players meet the eligibility requirements you can expect to end up positive.

The Legend of the Dragon Gate online promotion is definitely worth participating. The invitation says, “Go on the carp! Help them make it upstream to Dragon Gate for your chance to pick up a share of £2,000!” This statement has little to do with the actual promotion, but this is just Virgin Casino’s way of doing things. You have to complete four casino tasks between Monday, February 23 and Thursday, February 26 in order to win a guaranteed share of the prize pool. The four tasks involve wagering the specified minimum amounts on the stated table games during the promotion period. For Pai Gow Poker the amount is £10, for Roulette the amount is £15, for Blackjack the amount is £15 and for Baccarat the amount is £10. You have to complete the tasks in no particular order.

Roulette, blackjack and baccarat are well known casino games and much played at Virgin Casino. Pai Gow Poker is a game based on poker hand rankings and of Asian origin. Perhaps this is the connection with the Dragon Gate. In Pai Gow Poker you are dealt seven cards and you create two hands. One is a regular five card poker hand and the other is a two card hand. The dealer does likewise and the corresponding hands are compared to determine the winner.


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