Full Tilt Poker Repayment Details and Handling

Published: August 16, 2013

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Many of you have heard that Full Tilt Poker has officially announced that they will begin running casino-style games in the near future. This comes as an extremely handy tool for many players who enjoy poker and casino, yet there are more good news to be announced regarding Full Tilt. American players will be more than glad to hear that the Full Tilt repayment claims process is set to announce a date for repayments to begin in the United States.

The news were brought to the world by Pokerfuse who interviewed the officials at The Garden City Group who are responsible for the repayment claims process at Full Tilt. In that interview they stated “The claims process will begin shortly. At this time we cannot provide a specific date, but expect to be able to provide a launch date by the end of this week."

The Garden City Group (GCG) announced a few days ago that the review period was finished and that the claims process would begin shortly. They were appointed to its current position in March, 2013 by the US Department of Justice in order to oversee player repayments after the domain was seized and player accounts were frozen in April, 2011. Full Tilt was bought by The Rational Group who negotiated a deal with the US government and as a result the repayment fund was created.

Once the date for repayments is announced the Garden City Group will email instructions on how to complete an online claim for potential claimants whom they have identified using data from Full Tilt Poker, all payments will be made electronically once the claim submission period is over. Information on the amounts that will be paid out is still unclear, and items still in the air are points, medals, tournament tickets, outstanding checks, bounced checks, and cashout requests.

"If the forfeited funds available for distribution equal or exceed the aggregate FTP account balances for all eligible petitioners, each eligible petitioner with an approved claim will receive the entirety of his or her FTP account balance. If the aggregate FTP account balances for all eligible petitioners exceed the funds available for distribution, payments shall be made to eligible petitioners on a pro rata basis."

We will bring you more news once the official date is released, hopefully altogether with more information about the FTP upcoming casino.


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